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Friday, July 1, 2011

You Deserve Money

You Deserve Money.

Remember that light energy I spoke of in the Introduction?  It truly does want you to know that you deserve to be happy and to have things come easy to you.  We all deserve happiness and a nice life.  Believe in this light and call upon it to help you and it will.  It is waiting and wants to show you your highest potential.  It does not matter if we have made mistakes in the past or even if we make mistakes in the future, we are human.  The world is our oyster.  Start believing this. 
A nice life needs to be defined.  Is a nice life a house with a swimming pool and the latest Prada bag? Or is a nice happy life one where your needs are met and you are surrounded by love and ease.  Ponder the things you really need to be happy.  Let go of what your neighbor needs to be happy.  True happiness lies in the simple.

Hey, guess what? YOU deserve money.  If you start thinking that when you get some money the first thing that you do will be to give it to your daughter so that she can pay her rent, it will not work.  The money will not be there.  Remember the child at his first day of school?  Do you think he will be happy if your intention is to put him into a new classroom with new classmates and a new teacher just as he got to know you? Nope.  The intention of the money has to be that it is coming to you, for YOUR needs. Your daughter’s rent is her problem.  Get all your ducks in a row, pay all your own debts and then if you have money left over, then you can give it to someone else.  And please note the GIVE it to someone else.  Unless you are a bank, it is not your business to loan money. If you think lending money to a family member or friend ever works out, I advise you to watch a marathon of Judge Judy.  She constantly has friends and family suing each other for unpaid loans.  Take care of yourself first, then, once you are in good shape, yes please feel free to help those around you.  What you give out you will definitely get back, but don’t do it with strings attached and don’t do it if you are not able.  So when someone comes to you and asks for help, make sure you are helping your own situation first before you give them the shirt off your back.  Once your needs are met and you are on the path to a worry free money situation, then you can and should help others.

You will also need to show the confidence that comes along with saying, “I deserve.” There are some of you reading this who for whatever past reason, are still holding onto an idea that you are not worthy.  I tell you that this is not the case.  We are all equal beings in this world and we are all worthy.  Healthy survival is a human right.

Here is the other end of the spectrum.  You may need a car, but do you really need the latest BMW model?  Some of us have become people who believe that we deserve things but we actually don’t really need them.  We use them as a means to feel better about ourselves.  If you are reading this and you have all the money you need, good for you.  Start sharing that money with those who need it instead of wasting it on things that will never bring you happiness.  Use your money to make others happy.  Money is delighted when it is used for good and not in vain.  

           Say it with me people, “The money is there.”

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