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Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Money IS There

The Money IS there.

Now that you are on your way to cleaning up your past spending, it’s time to start living in the present.  Have you noticed that I don’t refer to money in the future?  I say that the money IS there.  Not the money will be there.  If you say the money will be there, you will forever be chasing it.  The language we use matters.  When we live in the moment, there is no reason to worry about the future.  When we are happy and loving in the present time, the future takes care of itself.  

I believe that the universe is a mirror.  What we put out we get back.  If I say it is so, it is.  If I say I want something, I just end up wanting it.  If I say I need something, I will need it.  If I say I have something, for example, “I have all the money I need.”  I have it.  Sounds simple, doesn’t it?  It is.  There is no mystery here. I use this all the time for parking spaces.  Test it.  It works.  Just make sure you believe what you are saying.

I did a weekend workshop a long time ago and we talked about beliefs vs. experiences.  The question was, “do your beliefs create your experiences or do your experiences create your beliefs?”  In which case are you designing your own path?  In which case are you letting life happen to you?  If a person truly believes that he will find a way out of debt and start living a comfortable lifestyle, he will.  On the other hand, if a person has spent too much money and allows fear and worry about the situation to take hold of him and thinks there is no way out, he will stay in debt and struggle.  If you saw a cocker spaniel bite a child and now you believe all cocker spaniels to be crazy, you are generalizing and letting one experience create a belief.  I found this to be an eye-opening perspective, and I have applied it throughout my life.  I am the captain of my own ship.  The waters may be steady or the waters may be rough, but I will take this vessel where I want it to go.  And the light energy around us is the North Star guiding our way.

Living in the present also means letting go of the past. Money is very forgiving.  It will keep coming back to you even if you have previously mistreated it.  Why not be forgiving as well?  Forgive yourself, your parents, forgive the boy who made fun of you in 5th grade.  And say goodbye to the emotions caught up with the situation.  When you can let go of all those negative feelings holding you back you will move forward faster than you ever imagined.  You don’t live in the past.  You live today.  You live now.  Free yourself of your past mistakes.  This does not mean go out on a spending spree because you don’t have to be cautious about your days to come.  What it does mean is that you no longer have to worry about the days to come.  Because you live in the present.

So this week, let’s start paying attention to our language.  Mostly our verbs.  Are we living in the present or the past or the future?  Are we being proactive or passive.  Are we living life or is life dragging us along for a ride?  Keep all of these thoughts in the present.  

 The money is there.  The money is there.  The money is there.

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