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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Stop Worrying about Money

Stop Worrying about Money

            In order for the money to start coming, you will need to create an emotional environment that welcomes it.  An emotional environment is the place where your feelings live, plain and simple.  What state of mind are you in?  Are you positive or are you doubtful? Imagine money is a young child and you are a teacher introducing him to your classroom for the first time.  What kind of experience would you like that child to have?  Would you like the child to feel secure and happy?  Or would you like that child to feel worried and unsure about the future?  I know it may seem silly to compare money to a child, however this exercise is about looking at your feelings regarding money and about the kind of place where you are inviting money to come.  Where would you want to go if you were money? Money wants to be in a place free of negative emotions.  Money loves confidence.  Money loves fun.  Money wants happiness.  Money will not bring happiness, but you can bring money with yours.  

If you are worried about money, money does not want to come to you.  Worry, in my opinion, is a negative projection of a possible future.  Therefore, by creating this worry, we are creating a possible undesired outcome.  Worry lives in our fears.  When we start worrying, we start to become fearful of the future.  Now if we fear something or worry about it too much we are actually going in the opposite direction we would like because we are fueling our fears with worry.

This is a very easy cycle to break.  Start to catch yourself when you say, “I am worried that…..” and change it to “I am confident that….”  By doing this you are fueling your desired outcome.  

Let’s take a moment to talk about caution.  Caution is very different from worry in that caution tends to live in the present whereas worry does not.  We can walk down the street without fear or caution and then when we choose to cross the street, we pause and look both ways.  This is caution. After we have crossed the street, the caution is over.  Caution is the little flag that rises up to take inventory of what is around us.  But when it is over, it does not stay with us.  We don’t think about what could have happened to us over and over if we hadn’t crossed the street properly.  Worry stays with us and will grow and grow if it is not nipped in the bud.

Let go of worry.  It does not serve you.  It does not serve those around you.   

Now say out loud, "The money is there."

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