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Thursday, June 30, 2011


         I really want this blog to help you.  You probably really need this blog to help you.  I hope it does.  But before it can, you have to make one small leap of faith with me.  You will need to believe that there is some kind of energy in this universe that wants you to succeed.  I am not talking about God as taught in churches all over the world.  I am talking about a universal light/love energy that is sitting on the sidelines watching you, cheering you on and just waiting for you to ask it to jump into your game of life.  Brave scientists in the world are already working to prove this existence.  So please, for your own sake, just imagine that this energy is real and ready to help.  If you like to think of it as spiritual guides, do that.  If it’s easier for you to think of it as dead Aunt Sally, do that.  I personally prefer to think of it as light, that way it stays religiously neutral. 

In this blog, I intend to show you how to bring in the money you need.  This blog will not contain any stock advice or get rich quick tips.  It will guide you through a process where you learn to turn your negative thoughts about money into positive tangible results.  

            So what does a Nebraska girl living in Europe know about money?  I can tell you that I have witnessed the American dream first hand.  I have seen a man who came from very little and worked hard all his life reach his goal to be a millionaire.  He has put his children through college without the help of student loans and currently has education funds for all four of his grandchildren.  He has helped countless amounts of people over the years save for their retirement.  This man is my father and he is an accountant.  (He would also like to take this moment to tell you that he HATES credit cards).  He did not go to college but he is the smartest man I have ever met.  This is not a biography of my father, but I will continue to use him as an example.
         I am sure that in your life you have noticed that there are people who always manage to land on their feet.  And unfortunately, there are also people who continue to struggle and never manage to make ends meet.  This information is here to help those of us who can’t seem to catch a break, do just that.  When we are in the thick of things it is hard to step back and look at what is going on in an objective manner.  The people who need help the most often think that the world is against them and they tend to see injustice being done to them.  If you are one of those strugglers, I hope to help you change your perspective enough to draw in the resources and to end your struggle with money.

            I am not a rich person.  My husband owns his own business (with a great business partner) and I am a stay at home mom.  So why then, if I haven’t worked in 5 years, is money so easy for me?  Because I say that the money is there.  We have a beautiful home, take a vacation once a year, eat out when we can and genuinely enjoy our lives.  And even though my husband and his partner are amazingly talented and their work ethic is strong, there have been times when business has been slow.  There have been months when we have not had a paycheck.  But then I just say, “the money is there.” And then here comes the money.  Here comes the business.  I promise you it is that simple.

            If you start to think about what money really is, you realize it is simply paper that serves as a liaison between the service you provided at your job and the service or good that you would like from something else.  Money is there to make our lives easier and to help us function as a society.  We do need money.  Many people want money.   My daughter wants candy every time we go the grocery store, but wanting something doesn’t work.  As the Rolling Stones have said, “you can’t always get what you want.”  But if you try you can indeed get what you need.  Everything you need is there for you.  We were not put on this earth to struggle, we are here to succeed at life.  Of course, there are hardships and tragedy but there is also ease and comfort.

            I invite you to change your journey in life to comfort and ease.  To an existence where there is no fear or worry.  A life where you have everything you need and you are truly grateful for it.
            Now, say this out loud.  “The money is there.”


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello Marit,
    Thanks for your thoughts about money, I wanted to share my story about money. A few years ago I got an allowance for unemployment as an agreement to get me into my full time independent therapist practice. As I got about 1000€ and on the 1th of Septembre me and my partner started to live together, my allowance was cut down to about 400€. At the same day I got an assignment of an asylum nearby to give therapy to a few residents. At the end of the month I got 600€ for that ! This was not a coïncidence, so I left the allowance for what it was and I started my full time practice on the 1th of Octobre. And guess what: a flow of people came to me and it is still going on.
    When you close one door, another will open always.

  3. perfect example, thanks for sharing Frieda.
