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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Where has the money been?

Hard to believe it has been since November since I last wrote, but don't worry - The money is STILL there.  The money has not gone away, the money has been focused on other things for awhile.  But what happened while it was away?  Did it fail you?  Did it leave you stranded? No.  You are still here.  You are still standing. Money has been silently moving forward and hoping that you have been doing the same.

Money likes when you leave it alone for a bit.  It actually does not enjoy to be the focus of your attention.  It's like an independent child who needs and cherishes time alone.  This way, it can grow without being under a microscope. Money is like that saying, "A watched pot never boils."  The more you watch it, the less it performs for you.  Think about the people you know to whom money comes easy.  They hardly ever think about it.  They may expect it, but their attention is rarely on how much they need money.

Going on the idea that life is a mirror, if when we look at our money situation and see lack, life mirrors that and gives us lack. And just because you don't look in the mirror, doesn't mean your reflection is not there.  Find the positive points about what money has done for you and then money will take care of the rest.  Worrying and thinking about wants and needs will only leave you with wants and needs.

Maybe none of you are "richer" than the day I started this blog, but is that really the idea?  Is more money the answer to your problems?  Or is ENOUGH money.  If we truly wish to move away from a system where there is a gigantic gap between the "haves" and the "have nots," it must begin with you.  You have to change the idea that you need more of this or more of that.  Look at your life and evaluate the important things.  I bet none of them have to do with money.  And that is what money prefers.  Money understands it's role in this world and is tired of being mistreated.  Just like us, money would like to be seen in a positive light.

Money is a vehicle that allows us to get from A to B.  Like the Swiss train system, it is there.  It may show up a bit late from time to time, but it comes.  It always does.  Money does not want to be a reason for stress in your life.  It's okay to make it less important, money does not mind.

The money is there.  The money is always there.