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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Spend A Little.

That's right, I said, Spend A Little.

In the last blog, we talked about having confidence in oneself to attract money.  Now we need to show money that we have confidence in the process of it coming to us.  In order to do that, we need to spend a little.  The day after my parent’s divorce was final, my dad went out and bought a brand new Cadillac.  That, is not what I am referring to. That would be spending a lot.  That is a bad example. Although, to his credit, he did pay cash.

Money is ebb and flow.  Money is fluid.  Money comes and money goes.  In order to respect this cycle, we have to be willing to let go of a little to bring in more.  If we just hold on tight to all the money we make, we are not giving money the opportunity to be there for someone else.  We have to have faith that the money is there and a great way to show this is to spend a little.  A little.  Don’t go over budget and DO NOT USE YOUR CREDIT CARDS (that’s cheating – unless you fully intend on paying off the entire balance once you receive the bill).

Let’s think about how we are going to spend a little.  Are we going to spend it on an object that will not serve us?  Are we going to spend it on a dinner with great company?  Will we choose something like an online class to broaden our horizons?  Will we waste it on something that we will only wear once and then never think about again?  How about a much needed massage? 

Also, you need to define, in your budget, how much you can let go of and still be okay at the end of your month.  Don’t do this with worry or fear, be objective and confident that there is a bit of cushion and that you can use it for yourself.  It could be 10, it could be 100.

Now, think of this amount as a gift you are giving.  This money is there for someone else.  Who needs it?  I encourage you to think about how you are going to spend this little amount.  Be thoughtful in using this money on yourself so that your result is positive for you and for someone else.  We are not giving our money away, we are consciously deciding it is being used for good.  Here is an example, you received a flyer for a new yoga studio.  You spend your money on a class.  Something good for you, something good for the studio.  Or,  take a friend out to dinner at a privately owned restaurant.  Ooooo, that’s three goods.  One for you, one for your friend and one for the mom and pop shop.  Remember, money loves having fun and helping people and once it sees you doing this, it will want to come back for more.  (And just a side note, money also likes to keep it clean.  Make sure your idea of fun is not causing harm to anyone or yourself)

We know we can spend a little money, because more is coming.  We use our money thoughtfully and insure positive outcomes for all involved.  We spend because we deserve.  We respect money.

The money is there.